Friday, May 9, 2008

Just a thought! Reading through Proverbs these last 39 days has impressed just how abundantly available WISDOM is for all of us. It is ours if we are wise enough to reach out for it!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Today Hug Your Children!!

Today Becky & I received a call from a couple we haven't heard from in many years. They were our closest friends following college when we worked for the same company. One of the most exciting calls we ever got from them was when they called and said, "we met a friend of yours and His name is Jesus". They had come to know Jesus as Savior following a trip to New Mexico to visit us. We had prayed for them for years. That was many years ago! Today was a great renewal of our contact with them, but with that also came the saddest news we could ever hear. Their daughter died at 32 years old. What a shock! The Lord is bringing them through it and they are leaning on Him!

My thoughts jumped to my own children, I thought of Eric's blog about his children and I just paused and thanked God for our children and grandchildren and praised God for His gift of them to us!!! Hug your children today and if that is not possible, call them and tell them you love them.

Life is short and we need to use every minute wisely!
The death toll from a powerful cyclone that slammed into Myanmar was raised to more than 22,000 people on today. An additional 41,000 people were missing as a result of the cyclone. My connection with Myanmar is through a mission trip taken by the church I served before I came here, praying for a missionary who was there and connected with Southside and I believe Rusty Wheelington has been there. Through this and reading, I know that only 4% of the country are Christian. Most practice Buddhism. Using those figures, less than 1,000 of those killed were Believers.

As I read the account of the tornadoes here in the Midwest and the South, even the destruction in North Texas, and death associated my heart goes out to the people affected. When I read about death, the first thing that crosses my mind is, "did they know Jesus"? Next my mind jumps to the question, "what can I do"? Then God says pray. I am reminded of a verse most of us have memorized, Romans 8:28, "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose".

For Christians, this verse contains perhaps the most glorious promise in Scripture. It is almost breathtaking in its magnitude. It encompasses absolutely everything that pertains to a believer's life. But what about those who aren't Christians? The verse is not for them. What do we do? I believe that we pray for God to use these tragic happenings for others to come to Christ. We would probably be surprised if we knew how God used our moment of prayer.

So what can we do. PRAY and SHARE CHRIST WITH OTHERS.