Monday, December 8, 2008

It is Tough

One of the most difficult things Becky & I have had to do in 26 years of ministry is what we did Sunday. When we have poured 7 years of our life into people and we have to tell them we are leaving it is tough! But when God says I want you elsewhere it is right to follow God. Becky & I have resigned from 3 churches when God moved us. Yesterday was by far the hardest. If we could keep our composure it would help, but those who know us know that we cry often. Yesterday was one of those time. Even though we know without a shadow of doubt we are following God's will it is tough when we love the people and they love us. It has been a 7 year love affair and "breaking up it is hard to do". We told our beloved Southside people yesterday that we have accepted a call to a church in Oklahoma. We thank God for the opportunity and the challenge ahead.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Joy Came Thanksgiving

Becky & I spent part of Thanksgiving Day at First Baptist Church Enid, Oklahoma with our daughter Marquita and her husband Brian who serves as Pastor of Worship & Missions. They were involved with their family and the church family serving Thanksgiving dinner there in their Fellowship Hall. Their church served meals to anyone who came. Over 700 people were served. There were homeless and poor and some who just wanted to have a meal with someone because of loneliness. One of the things I did was to help Brian deliver meals to home bound and others. My heart was blessed as I saw the gratitude on the faces of those to whom we delivered meals. One lady gave us a thank you card and was so grateful for the meal and it being brought to her. Another joy came in being able to share Jesus with a man who Becky & I ate lunch with. Probably the greatest joy of all was seeing families working together to serve others. Everyone who came to help had a job. What a joy to see the elementary age children, high school and college students walk around serving hot roll and butter, preparing plates, picking up plates when people were finished eating, washing dishes and so much more. All seemed to have a bounce in their step and excitement in their voice. They knew they were ministering in Jesus name. It was a church family working together to serve others. I am thankful that I was a part of this kind of Thanksgiving day. That is what this great nation is all about- Serving others!!!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Value of Scripture

The value, the importance of SCRIPTURE can never be over emphasized. First of all the greatest purpose of it is to show us how we can belong to God. Secondly, it shows us how to live. I feel so blessed to be able to be alive in a time when SCRIPTURE is so readily available. I hurt for those who lived in a time it was not available and they had to depend on others to tell them about how to live. The Bible gives me an answer for all difficulties I face, the joy that I celebrate, there are not enough words to describe what it means to me.

As I read I Timothy 3:14-17 this morning, I am reminded of the importance of SCRIPTURE and it causes me to value it even more. The transformation it has made and is continuing to make in my life is indescribable! I had lunch with a young man yesterday who said, "my wife & I were talking this morning that if God never did another thing for us the rest of our lives, I would feel blessed already". How true! SCRIPTURE brought him to that point. Can't end without writing our the SCRIPTURE I read this morning.

"But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it, (15) and how from infancy you have known the holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. (16) All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, (17) so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work".
II Timothy 3:14-17 (NIV)

I encourage you who read this blog to read and meditate on this SCRIPTURE and thank God for all SCRIPTURE!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Attitude of Gratitude

My Quiet Time today was from I John 4:1-3 which is about discerning God's voice, and I began to express thanks to Him for being able to hear him when He speaks. My thoughts drifted to Thanksgiving coming up next week. I expressed my gratitude to God for Him speaking through His Word, speaking silently to me and in other ways. We as believers have the privilege of praying to our Heavenly Father, hearing Him in prayer, hearing Him through His Word each minute of our lives so how grateful should be!!!

I desire that my life be characterized by gratitude. He tells me to have an appreciative attitude in my worship of Him in Psalm (95:2-7 & Col. 3:16); in giving (3 Cor. 9:12); in relationships
(Phil. 1:1-3) and so much more. Gratitude brings joy to our lives! In I Thess. 5:18, the Lord mandates our gratitude in all things. He know that gratitude affects our hearts and our hearts determine who we become.

A continuing attitude of gratitude keeps us aware of His presences, causes us to focus on Jesus, diminishes our pride, keeps us focused on the purposes of our lives, reminds us of our dependence on Him, replaces worry, depression & wrong attitudes with peace and joy! When we maintain an attitude of gratitude, no matter what come in our lives, we will find joy and peace!!!

You have heard of New Year's resolutions, well I challenge you to make a Thanksgiving resolution to have an attitude of gratitude from today on!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

My Quiet Time Today

Many people encourage me often to write about my time alone with God so here goes! My Quiet Time this morning took me to Colossians 1:25-29. I knew that it had to be special because Co. 1:28 & 29 are my life verses. Thirty six years ago God showed me what my life was to be about. Later these verses became the definition of what I was to do and I love every moment of it. It was prior to vocational ministry 26 years ago and still is today. Until this morning I had never looked at it as a commissioning by God Himself. I see that for the first time. It is amazing how we can read Scripture over and over again although it never changes but yet speaks so plainly-- when we "get it". I finally got it today!!!

the Scripture reads: "I have become its servant by the commission God gave me to present to you the word of God in its fullness-- 26 the mystery that has been kept hidden for ages and generations, but is now disclosed to the saints. 27 To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. 28 We proclaim him, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone perfect in Christ. 29 To this end I labor, struggling with all his energy, which so powerfully works in me". (NIV)

I have never noticed that Paul said in verse 25, "I have become its servant by the commission God gave me..."I know that I was commissioned or called by God to do the things of verses 28 & 29

As a Believer, I as well as every Believer was commissions by Matt. 28:19-20. But I received a special commissioning by the Lord to proclaim Him, to admonish and teach people so that they may do as God says in being holy as he is holy. I am thankful for this,- as the Apostle Paul put it "commissioning". What a privilege it is to serve the Lord Jesus!!! Becky & I believe that the best days of serving the Lord Jesus is just ahead! We have the desire, the health, the energy and willingness to "keep on keeping on"!!! What an adventure the Christian life is!!!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

God Speaks

Just in the last few weeks, God has spoken to me a number of times regarding things Becky & I have been praying about. Was it audibly? May have well been! It was just as plain! In my daily time alone with Him (Quiet Time) is usually where I hear Him most. Recently He spoke through Scripture to give me a promise for the future. As I shared it with Becky He later affirmed it to her. His promises from Scripture are there for us to claim and He always keeps them. The first of October God spoke to me through a guest in from Sunday morning worship whom I visited with. He didn't know he was God messenger , but I knew. I believe that He was sent by God at a time I need to hear a special word. I received that word later as I visited with him. I say all this to say the today as from the beginning of time God speaks to us and in different ways. but we must be listening for Him in order to hear Him. The purpose for writing this is to encourage those who read this and are seeking a word from God to listen closely each day and He will speak. How I don't know. What I do know is, that it comes most often from His Word, but at times it comes through Godly believers!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Veterans Day

We live in a time when so many people make little or no effort to appreciate VETERANS who have served or our military who are serving today! What a shame. I wonder if our public schools teach why we have VETERANS DAY. To many it is just a day off from work or school.

Just in case, VETERANS DAY is an annual American holiday honoring military veterans. It is also celebrated as Armistice Day or Remembrance Day in other parts of the world, falling on November 11, the anniversary of the signing of the Armistice that ended World War I. (Major hostilities of World War I were formally ended at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918 with the German signing of the Armistice.)

U.S. President Woodrow Wilson first proclaimed an Armistice Day for November 11, 1919. The United States Congress passed a concurrent resolution seven years later on June 4, 1926, requesting the President issue another proclamation to observe November 11 with appropriate ceremonies. An Act (52 Stat. 351; 5 U. S. Code, Sec. 87a) approved May 13, 1938, made the 11th of November in each year a legal holiday; "a day to be dedicated to the cause of world peace and to be thereafter celebrated and known as 'Armistice Day'."

I suppose not holding VETERNS DAY up as it was intended is lack of knowledge, lack of patriotism, lack of appreciation, taking our freedom for granted, not politically correct--who knows. Without VETERANS serving, we would certainly not be free to worship God as we do. You ask "are you a veteran"? No, I volunteered during Viet Nam, but due to asthma, I was rejected.( Makes me a reject I suppose). I have always wished I could have served in some way, but I couldn't and maybe that is why I have a deep gratitude for those who have and are serving to keep my Great Nation free. At a grave side I did two weeks ago, the man who had died was honored with a military ceremony. I stood there by the grave and tears ran down my cheeks as the ceremony took place. (Military cermonies always bring tears to my eyes and I hope it is out of gratitude) I took a moment to thank God for his service and the service of others present to keep our country free.

May God bless all VETERANS not just this Tuesday, but everyday. I urge everyone to thank a VET and those you know or see in uniform! Take a few minutes to praise God for VETERANS and for our freedom they have given us!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Becoming Like Our Savior

Going through 40 Day of Community the statement was used several time that we need to become more like Jesus. Certainly the Bible teaches this and we should strive to be like Him! God has a plan for every one of us and coming to know Jesus as Savior is only the first step. He want us as His children to develop a close "family" likeness. One of the ways we do that is to continually change our mind set. We do that by the Holy Spirit's power. He, Holy Spirit transforms us. That is one of His jobs! He is the Great Transformer! He uses scriptural truths to replace our wrong thoughts and actions. We hear Him by meditating on God's Word!

Meditating on the Word of God is essential for spiritual change and spiritual growth! When we sin we are to acknowledge it to God and accept His forgiveness. Then we need to ask ourselves what we need to do to avoid that particular sin in the future. When we acknowledge our sin we are clean before God. Now we are ready to grow. His desire is that we turn from such behavior. He is pleased when we change our attitude, behavior, and lifestyle to conform to Christ's image!!!

Renewing our minds, confessing our sins, and making the changes in our lives are necessary to become like our Savior! We need to continually ask ourselves are we becoming more and more like Him. In my Quiet Time each day, God shows me what I need to change to become more like Him. Sometimes it is not pleasant, but it always rewarding! My desire is that I hear God and continue to make changes and become more like our Savior!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Try Again

I haven't posted anything in, well a while. Due to an encouragement from several people recently, I am going to try to write something at least once each week. I would like to hear comments about what those who read this want me to write about. So please post your comments as to what you would like to hear from me about. I hate controversy, so nothing real controversial. I appreciate any suggestions so we will see!

Speaking of controversy and this is not, I want to address the election coming up next week. I would not tell you how to vote even if it is legal. I believe that every Christian has a responsibility to vote their heart. So, I want to encourage you to VOTE. My suggestion is to vote for the candidate who's platform is nearest SCRIPTURE! That is my rule for myself. I believe that if ALL CHRISTIANS would vote that way we would see our nation change for the best!

Becky & I have already voted and avoided the crowd next week!

Saturday, September 27, 2008


As I think on the debates between the two presidential candidates last night, I think about people wanting to debate the Bible, particular those who aren't believers or those who knock on your door from cultic groups. My philosophy is that God does not need me to defend Him. No one ever gets debated into the kingdom of God. I enjoy listening to people like Josh McDowell, Ravi Zechariah and others defend The Faith, but in my experience I have never led anyone to Christ by having a superior argument. In fact I don't think arguing is an effective tool or is Biblical for that matter.

Not too long ago I had several e-mail from someone I never met who read our web site regarding baptism and wanted to debate with me publicly about theology regarding the purpose of it. My response was that it would not accomplish anything or lead people to Jesus and it was a waste of time. Jesus stated facts when the Pharisees wanted to debate him, so should we.

What did the debates last night accomplish? In my opinion nothing. So what is my point? Let's spend time sharing Christ with others rather than debating or arguing theology. Jesus said, "in Ephesians, "Speak the truth in love". When I think on this verse I picture someone sharing their faith in a warm friendly manner using benign words. We ought always to share our faith with kindness and humility.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Reflections From My Quiet Time

I find it hard to blog a lot, not knowing what people want to read, not wanting to sound "preachy" and the list goes on. But today in my reading Romans 2:1-8, I thought about our Great Country and the privileges I have as an American. I thought about God's judgment as well as God's blessings. I remember that the U. S. A. was founded on unalienable rights given to us by God. I said recently in a sermon that our laws are based on the Ten Commandments which I believe is true. Our nation was founded so that we have our rights protected. Those laws have been carried the other way and infringe on some of our basic rights as Christians.

I believe that the effort to remove God from anything public has caused our values and morals to crumble. When God was band from schools, government meetings, public places the attempts to remove Him from our currency and from our Pledge of Allegiance and so much more, our nation began and has drifted away from God. Even many committed Christians accept the filthy language, the sex and other immorailty that is in most movies. When a person repeatedly hears God's name use to curse, he becomes dull to that sin and excuses his acceptance of it. Our nation is so accepting of "all religions" that Christians are persecuted for believing that Jesus is the only way to Heaven (John 14:6). God is holy, so I know that He doesn't approve all of the actions sanctioned by our laws. He has been patient, blessed our nation beyond measure, but I don't believe that this will last forever (Neh. 9:30).

America needs to repent of throwing out God's precepts, His laws, His moral standards and essentially tossing Him out of our nation. I believe we are "skating on thin ice"!

This morning I examined myself to make sure I haven't allowed ungodly values that are crammed in my face, media etc. to infiltrate my life or my mind. I believe that every Christian has the responsibility to pray for our government leaders and the direction of our Great Nation! I recommitted personally to be more diligent in doing so! I just encourage each Believer who reads this to do the same.

After saying all this, I consider it a blessing from God that I was born in a country that has given me the rights and privileges which I enjoy. I am thankful that God is the ultimate Judge of our nation and of me! Aren't you? God bless America!!!

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Always Amazed

The book of James is an amazing book! We saw this morning why it is so important for us to have God's wisdom in our lives. We need God's wisdom in our lives not only to enable us to respond to His call, but to maintain our relationship in a stable constant manner. It just once again demonstrates our need to walk with God every day!

Following the second service today, a college student ask to talk with me. Becky & I went to my office to visit with her. The Holy Spirit had drawn her to the time in her life she realized she needed Jesus in her life and she did exactly that. She now has Him as her Savior! What a wonderful way to begin a new week!

After struggling with a very sore throat pain, my voice an octave lower than normal it all disappeared into oblivion seeing someone give their life to Christ.

Saturday, August 16, 2008


It is difficult for me to blog regularly and when I do, I most often feel like the most important thing I can write about is my time alone with God. It is my heart! He does so much through my Quiet Time alone with Him. My study time is wonderful, but my Q. T. and my personal study times are highlights of my days and times of spiritual growth. I also wonder if people read blogs and if my time is well spent writing them. I read very few, but perhaps I am not the average reader of blogs. Oh well, here goes!

I read Psalm 16 this morning and it filled my heart with joy, especially verses 5-11. Here are some of the excerpts from my journal I wrote.

"This Psalm has caused me to reflect on my life and my future! It has caused me to rejoice for what God has and is going to do in my life here on earth. It has reminded me that my future is secure in Heaven and of the joy I will know there which is not understandable at this time.

As I pray some of this back to the Lord, I can't get verse 5 out of my mind. I claim it this morning as God' promise to me for what He has done and what He is going to do!

I think of the people who have influenced me over these 37 years and at the time I didn't realize their influence. I suppose it takes years to realize the impact that people have on my life. I think of pastors and writers who have influenced me greatly."

As I sit here writing this blog, and sharing the above thoughts I recorded, I remember "Charlie" who was the #3 man in the division of the corporation who hired me as a department head when I was 28 years old and the contribution he made in my life. The greatest way that God used Charlie was how he lived his life before me and others at work. Here was a man highly successful with great position in life who lived for the Lord at work and never allowed his job to over shadow his faith. I saw his peers, corporate officials and others tease him, poke fun at him and try to get him to compromise his faith. He remained faithful and never wavered. That taught me that a man should live his faith everyday regardless of pressures, and never compromise. I had just recommitted my life to Christ and God used Charlie to mark my life forever. I could write all day of how others, including some pastors and writers have influenced me in who I am today. I am so thankful for all those God has sent to influence my life!

Because of the influence of many people in my life, my prayer is that I can influence others for the Kingdom of God as long as I live! God grant me this privilege! The legacy we leave when God calls us home is not our position in life, community service, church attendance, wealth or good works, but it is people! It is the people we leave behind!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Taking Things As Normal

Becky & I got back in town and find that there was an inch of water in our rain gauge, so we assume it rained that much. We took time to thank God for what is not normal in Brownwood-RAIN! Praise the Lord. This morning in my Quiet Time I just wanted to thank Him again! I am reminded of how often God answers prayer and we just accept the answers as normal and go on about our business. I thought of how many times each day God answers prayer and I fail to acknowledge unless it is something I have prayed for specifically. I thank about God's protection of which, we never know just how close we came to tragedy. Him healing us when we didn't know we need it and so much more. My desire is to try to always acknowledge God's answers, yes and no and not just take them as normal. God is so good!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Hot As A Stove!

Heat, hot, dry, but God is still on His throne. Great worship experience. My QT is from a book called On Holy Ground and it took me to John 21 and verse 6 jumped out and reminds me of now matter how or hot or cold we need to cash our nets and fish for men.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Golf, Earthquake, Fire & Picnic

Glad to have been back in Brownwood when the earthquake hit California . We would have been about 25 miles from the center. We were where the fire is burning inYosemite National Park so we escaped that by 10 days.

Can't believe I played golf at 6:30 tonight in the heat, but nice breeze keep it fairly cool. Great fellowship! Thanks Jeff, Brad for the invitation. Second time in just over a year, second time in 10 years. Also can't believe I shot a 53. Better than Tiger Woods, hu! ( Oh, forgot it was only 9 holes. He plays 18)

Church picnic was lots of fun. Enjoyed playing softball, even got a hit. It is always a joy to see church family enjoying each other. The fellowship is so good to see. The heat wasn't too bad after my cotton shirt got wet. Kind of like an evaporative cooler, doesn't work well in humidity, but better than a fan. Well as dry as it is in Brownwood, an evaporative cooler would work. We all need to pray for rain-rain-rain!

Last week I talked to an older man, almost 80 years old(who had visited the church) about the Lord. He said he would like to know how to get to Heaven. I explained how and his comment was that he was not ready to make that commitment. Why do people put Jesus off? I am deeply concerned about him. I hope that all who read this will pray for him and that I will be able to follow up. When I encounter people like this man, I am always reminded how urgent it is for all of us as Believers to share Jesus ever chance we get.

Friday, July 25, 2008

I have been encouraged by several people to post some of my Quiet Times on my blog. This morning in my Quiet Time, God was so very present it was almost unreal. The fact that He promises His presence makes me know He is here. I read Psalm 145 and it came alive so real. What a time of private worship! This is copied from my Spiritual Journal as recorded this morning at 6:00AM. Had I not written this down I would not be able to share it with you. That is why I always encourage people to record their Q.T. These thoughts would have been lost.

(1) I will exalt you, my God the King; I will praise your name for ever and ever. (2) Every day I will praise you and extol your name for ever and ever. (3) Great is the LORD and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom.

As I read this, several things flood my mind like the hurricane waters hitting the Texas coast line 2 days ago. First of all the song, "I Exalt Thee" flashes bright as light through my mind. It has got to be one of my all time "favorite few words song" that always causes me to EXALT HIM. I just pause and lift my hands up and sing and then sing these 3 verses back to the Lord. I pray them back to you Lord in honor of YOU in WORSHIP OF YOU. I worship YOU LORD GOD ALMIGHTY!

I think about the words in another song, "Great is the LORD and most worthy of praise...: and I exalt YOU! My mind flashes to the song, "I Exalt Thee", and I sing "For thou O'Lord art high above all the earth. Thou are exalted far above all the gods. Thou above all gods. I exalt Thee, I exalt Thee, O'Lord, I exalt Thee!! I think about Psalm 57, Psalm 97 and the words there. Then I think about the greatness of God again and my mind just goes on and on and I rejoice in YOU! I worship YOU LORD!
Then I think about the statement in verse 3, "his greatness no one can fathom", and I know that I have had just a taste of His greatness. Last night a long time friend called us from Nashville that we have know in for 42 years. We were talking of how far God has brought us from the 60's,when we were all as wild as could be and far from God and how He saved us from a life bent toward hell, a life of self destruction and where he has us today! I reminded her of a day in 1979 when she called and said, "Jim & I met a close friend of yours & His name is JESUS. Phyllis & Jim had just gotten saved and knew we had been praying for them for years. WOW!!! We just rejoiced together and this morning I know that I have "fathomed only a tiny portion for which I am thankful for. I EXALT HIM WHAT A DAY OF REJOICING THIS IS! (another song)
Because of where God has brought me, I can do as verse 4 -7 says, "One generation will commend your works to another; they will tell of your mighty acts. (5) They will speak of the glorious splendor of your majesty, and I will meditate on your wonderful works. (6) They will tell of the power of your awesome works, and I will proclaim your great deeds. (7) They will celebrate your abundant goodness and joyfully sing of your righteousness." Because of what I have experienced,I have, I am, and I will pass on the generations behind me. I made this commitment years ago and want to continue it all the days of my life!

I read through the promises God gives me in this Psalm. I realize there is so much more in this Psalm that I have, can and will experience, I could write all day. I am grateful LORD for the opportunity to read and record these thoughts. If I don't write them down, I lose them. WOW, HOW AWESOME IS MY GOD!!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


I thought about beginning with a title that would get every one's attention, but after a second I don't want to do that (not today anyway). I have been on vacation and haven't written anything since before I went on vacation so here goes! Well honestly, it has been longer than that. Someone asked Eric yesterday if I was ever going to write again so I suppose there is at least one person who reads my blog. So I apologize for the lack of attention to it.

While on vacation, Becky & I spent time alone with the Lord and some time together with Him and in doing so we were not only refreshed physically and mentally, but spiritually renewed. ( We actually know for sure now that God is in California, although some of the things that take place it makes me wonder). On Tuesday after we got there, we slept in ate breakfast and went to lay by the pool to have our Quiet Time read and rest. This Quiet Time that was so awesome that I want to share some notes from it. If you have had one like this I would like to hear from you in the comment section. I was reading Psalm 135 when tears began to roll down my face as I heard the Lord speak to me (almost audibly).

"Hallelujah! Praise the name of the Lord. Give praise, you servants of the Lord 2 who stand in the house of the Lord, in the courts of the house of our God. 3 Praise the Lord, for the Lord is good; sing praise to His name, for it is delightful".

I kept reading it over and over again and crying and crying. The thought of being God's servant is so wonderful, and made me feel special. I felt that when the words, "Hallelujah! Praise the name of the Lord. Give praise, you servants of the Lord who stand in the house of the Lord, in the courts of the house of our God" was for me because I have the privilege of standing in church each week and not only praising the Lord, but proclaiming His Word.

As the tears flowed, I thought, "why am I crying"? Then it was as if God said, you can praise me with tears of joy as well as with smiles or shouts of joy! I then remember other special times that tears of joy streamed down my face. I was reminded that I can praise God in many different ways and any where anytime, even in Newport Beach by the pool.

It is good to have a vacation, but it is great to be home! Hallelujah! Praise the name of the Lord.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Unsure Future Makes the Gospel Urgent

This last week I was asked to visit a man in the hospital who was new to Brownwood, scheduled to have surgery at 7:00 the next morning. He has stage 4 cancer which means unless God intervens, he is terminal. At 51 years old, he wanted to know for sure he would go to Heaven if he died. He prayed to receive Jesus as his Savior. I suppose that stage 4 cancer will get most people to the point they think about their future off this earth.

The next morning before his surgery, he told Dr. Dan Locker that he received Jesus into his life. Dan had talked to him about the Lord and asked if he wanted a pastoral visit. That is how I came to visit the man. Thank God for Christian doctors who are concerned about where people will spend eternity! We are blessed to have three physicians who are strong Believers at

As I left the hospital at 10:45 that night the thought came to my mind that if the Lord takes him home soon he will have missed so much not to be able to grow in Christ. I just took time to thank God for saving me as a young adult and all the years He has given me to learn about and walk with Him. My thoughts continued as I drove home about those who know Him already but don't take time to allow God to grow them. As I closed my eyes to go to sleep, my thoughts were on those in the hospital just like this man who future will not be in Heaven. What a task all of us as believers have!

I suppose I say all this to make sure that evangelism and discipleship are always on my heart.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

This is the first year without my Dad being alive so I could call him and thank him for being my earthly father. I miss my Dad, but I rejoice that he is with Jesus. He was never happy after my Mother died two and a half years earlier. I reflect on the things I learned from my Dad and the first thing is a great work ethic! He worked harder than any man I have ever known. I learned honesty, integrity, treating people like I want to be treated and so much more. He is in Heaven, but I honor him this special day! For those who read this, I trust that you have thanked God for your father. Even for those who don't have good memories of their father, they should thank God for that father that gave them life.

I think of Becky's Dad, a godly man, who has been with the Lord for 28 years. He was a man of God committed to his Lord Jesus and was an example of what a father should be. The 19 years I had the privilege of knowing him, he marked my life forever. He had many of the same character qualities my own Dad had and he loved me like I was his own. His tenderness toward others is one of the things Becky & I both remember him for.

One other reflection of a father who marked my life forever was my maternal grandfather. I have often said publicly, that he loved me like a son! He had so many good character qualities of my own Father and Father-In- Law. His influence on my life was greater than even my own Dad or any other man in my childhood! One way he spelled love was TIME! He spent quality time with me. He was never too busy to spend for me.

I thank God for these three FATHERS and honor them today! PRAISE THE LORD, MY HEAVENLY FATHER!!!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Becky & I had a great week at Willow Creek Community Church at the praise & worship (arts) conference with Eric and 6 members of our Worship Team. We appreciate all who helped with the "fund raisers" to enable us to go. We appreciate the time away. We came away with ideas that we will explore in the future to enhance what God is doing at Southside.

I must share the highlight of the trip was yesterday when Becky & I took a taxi to the airport. The driver was a nice young man in his 30's and when we told him we had been to Willow Creek, he was familiar with the church. He immediately said he needed to get his 6 year old daughter in church. God open the door for us to share the Gospel with him and he was so open and is ready to come to Jesus. We got to the airport took quick, but we gave him contact information and he is supposed to e-mail us. We believe with all our heart that God is drawing this man to Himself! Pray for him, his name is Brian.

I say all this to say that there are so many out there that are waiting for you and me to share Jesus with them!

Saturday, May 31, 2008

61 Days of Faith

Today concludes our 61 days in Proverbs and last Sunday should have concluded our series of sermons on FAITH. However this study has really meant so much to me, God has given me two more sermons. I don't know about those who have listened to the messages, but if people got 10% of what I have gotten out of the study, they have grown in Christ! It has been great for both Becky & me! We had to depart from I Timothy but will conclude it during the month of June and then move on. Our next study which will be another book of the Bible. I am torn between 3 books. Sure would like to have some input without you knowing which books I am considering. I will decide next week. I know the Spirit will lead me there, maybe by using your input! God speaks to us sometimes throught Godly men & women who walk with Him!!!

As I read Proverbs 31 today, I thanked God for Him giving me a wife that matches up with that description. (I don't suppose blogs are restricted from a man praising the Lord for His gift of a godly wife.) I reflected on Becky ending her career as a secondary school teacher and spending most her life caring for our children, grandchildren and of course me. She served as a Youth Minister on staff in the late 1970's for three years, but other than that it's been volunteeer work. In these 25 years of vocational ministry she has always worked as a volunteer along side me in Christian Education, always making me look good! ( I need all the help I can get) She volunteers for so much and still fulfills the description of a "noble wife" as Proverbs 31 describes.

I also reflected on my Mother and Becky's Mother- both are with the Lord, and thanked God for their example. I thanked God for all those women at Southside who measure up to Proverbs 31. Any wife, working, staying at home, volunteering, raising a family, "empty nest" or no children can and should use Proverbs 31 as a goal!

I hope those who participated in daily reading of Proverbs have been blessed and grown in Christ Jesus as I have. A number of different groups were challenged by someone who attends Southside to read through with them. There was a work group that read & discussed Proverbs . One class at the Women's Job Corp was challenged to read Proverbs and did it with their teacher who is part of Southside. (What a ministry this lady has at Job Corp and other places as well as at Southside)

I have had quiet a bit of feed back during this 61 DAYS OF FAITH, but would like to hear more. Put you comments on this blog, e-mail of better yet, tell me in person or call me.

Thursday, May 29, 2008


Each morning this week in my Quite Time with the Lord, I asked Him for an opportunity to share Jesus with someone. Yesterday I received a call for an appointment with someone I didn't know. This morning that young woman who grew up in this church and is now married with a family came in the office for that appointment. During our conversation the Holy Spirit led me to ask her the two most important questions a person could ever be asked. I inquired if she minded if I asked her two question. She replied, "sure".

Have you come to the point in your life that you know for sure if you died today you would go to Heaven? Her answer was "No I know I would not".

I didn't need to ask the second question at that time. I then asked her if you would like to know how she could know this. In an excited manner she said, "Yes I really would"! To make this short, I shared with her what the Bible says about how to get to Heaven. With tears in her eyes, she said would like to to what the Bible says so she could go to Heaven. I led her in a prayer asking God to forgive her of her sins and asking Jesus to be her Savior. When she finished praying, I asked her the second question so she would have assurance of what she had just done.

If you died right now and God asked why should He allow you to enter Heaven, what would you say to God?

With large tears rolling down her cheeks, a peace in her voice and assurance on her face, she replied, "Because I asked God to forgive me of my sins and He did". I told her that is all I or anyone else could say.

Last night Patty Baker our Children's Minister met with a child who had expressed to his Mom he wanted to have Jesus in his life. Patty in her wisdom explained how he could do that, made sure he understood what sin was and who Jesus was and what he did on the cross. The child prayed to receive Jesus in his life. This Mother was sensitive to her child and therefore was instrumental in her son coming to Christ!

Just this week one of the men I mentor asked me to pray for a 19 year old man with whom he shared the Gospel. The young man wanted to receive Jesus, but decided to wait. Join us in praying for him.

I write this first of all so that you can rejoice with this young woman (although you don't know her) and with this child and his mother and with Patty and me. Secondly, I share this to challenge Believers who may read this blog to pray for those around you who may not know Jesus as Savior and Lord and then share with them. People are all around us who are looking for the way to Heaven! People of all ages are waiting on us to share the Good News with them. Who will you share this Great Wonderful News with?

Hug Your Child (and grandchildren)

A few minutes ago we got word that Megan Cooper's (graduating from Bangs High School this week) MRI results was negative for any tumors. PRAISE THE LORD! We rejoice with Kay & Bryan! Just thought about my own children and grandchildren and how thankful I am for their health and God's protection over the years. The Bible teaches that children are a gift from God! For those who have children, I know you would agree with that. If your children are near, HUG THEM! THANK GOD FOR THEM!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Memorial Day! As I think about tomorrow, the thought comes to my mind about just how thankful Americans are for those who died for our Great Nation. In my opinion, PATRIOTISM IS LACKING IN MUCH OF OUR COUNTRY. Personally I am so grateful for all those who have given their lives so that I can enjoy the vast freedoms I have as an American citizen. Words cannot express my gratitude. First I think about Jesus dying on the cross to set me free from sin and give me eternal life. Next to that I can think of no other freedom that is so precious as what I have as an American.

I tried to join a military branch of the armed services during the Viet Nam war. I was going for a commission as an officer because of my ROTC training in college. I was turned down because I was an Asthmatic. Although I never was able to serve, I have always been patriotic and have a high degree of respect for all who serve and a grateful heart for those who died to keep us free.

I hope that all who have not done so and read this will take time to thank God for our men & women who have died to keep us free and pray for those who have lost family who served in the military in these recent years.

Patriotism may be out for some, but it is in for me!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

During this study of FAITH, I hope you have been challenged to examine your own faith. When I do a series of this nature, I often wonder how it has helped those who have heard it. I felt the Holy Spirit leading me to the subject and felt that in this particular time in the life of Southside it was what we needed and still believe that as I write this. With two more Sundays teaching on FAITH, I am sad to leave it in a way. It has been so applicable to my own life! Several people have said almost the same words to me, "the teachings on faith have been just for me". I can say that along with those of you who have said that to me!

No matter what our age is or how long we have been a Christian, our faith needs to continue to grow individually and as a body of Believers! God has touched me and I have grown! As I preach each week, I know that I am speaking to myself and God is growing me. One of the joys of preaching is the spiritual growth that God brings in my own life in the hours of preparation and even as I teach Sunday morning what God has taught me.

As I am praying and asking God's directions for the weeks ahead, I would like to know the things you are struggling with, the areas you would like to hear addressed that you feel would apply to the lives of those present on Sunday mornings. If you don't want to put your response on this blog, you can speak to me personally or send me an e mail. My greatest desire other than pleasing God is to present teaching that you you or others need and want to apply to your life. In the 6 years here at Southside, I have preached through several books of the Bible and I am considering doing that again. If you have a need for a particular teaching, chances are I, along with many others, have the same need. The Holy Spirit can speak to me through your input. I am considering a couple of books of the Bible and your in put could help me.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Sunday morning during the message, I mentioned the joy and satisfaction on the face of some of our Howard Payne University faculty members as the students graduated. Their joy was as visible as the students receiving their degrees. I hope that all of Brownwood takes pride in the fact that we have such a high quality university in a town this size. In these 6 years here, I have been privileged to have connection with both faculty, staff and students and I "gotta tell you", they are the greatest. I lived in a town with large universities and a town with a junior college , had connections with them but HPU ranks much higher in my book. I thank God for all our HPU faculty, staff and students.

I also think about the teachers connected with Southside and who teach in public and private schools. I thank God for all of them and their commitment to letting their students see Jesus in them. Occasionally I get a call from one of them asking advice in dealing with a student or a problem a student has brought to them. It always impresses me that their concern goes beyond the classroom.

I thank God for all who give of themselves to be a part of educating students of all ages preschool through higher education!!!
As I finished my Quiet Time this morning and went through one of my prayer list, I stopped and thanked God for all who pray for me. I know the strength and ability to do what I do is from the prayers of those who pray for me! My mind flashes back over the years of my life and those who have prayed for me. My mind went to my parents & Becky's parents , all who are with the Lord now. I know that they were prayer warriors for us all of our lives for which I am so thankful.

I think of how prayer of others makes our lives what they are today. Then my thoughts jumps to what about those who don't have people praying for them. Tears come to my eyes as the very thought. This makes me want to be more diligent in praying for others. It causes me to be even more thankful for all who pray for me and for Becky. Thank God for intercessory prayer!!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Just a thought! Reading through Proverbs these last 39 days has impressed just how abundantly available WISDOM is for all of us. It is ours if we are wise enough to reach out for it!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Today Hug Your Children!!

Today Becky & I received a call from a couple we haven't heard from in many years. They were our closest friends following college when we worked for the same company. One of the most exciting calls we ever got from them was when they called and said, "we met a friend of yours and His name is Jesus". They had come to know Jesus as Savior following a trip to New Mexico to visit us. We had prayed for them for years. That was many years ago! Today was a great renewal of our contact with them, but with that also came the saddest news we could ever hear. Their daughter died at 32 years old. What a shock! The Lord is bringing them through it and they are leaning on Him!

My thoughts jumped to my own children, I thought of Eric's blog about his children and I just paused and thanked God for our children and grandchildren and praised God for His gift of them to us!!! Hug your children today and if that is not possible, call them and tell them you love them.

Life is short and we need to use every minute wisely!
The death toll from a powerful cyclone that slammed into Myanmar was raised to more than 22,000 people on today. An additional 41,000 people were missing as a result of the cyclone. My connection with Myanmar is through a mission trip taken by the church I served before I came here, praying for a missionary who was there and connected with Southside and I believe Rusty Wheelington has been there. Through this and reading, I know that only 4% of the country are Christian. Most practice Buddhism. Using those figures, less than 1,000 of those killed were Believers.

As I read the account of the tornadoes here in the Midwest and the South, even the destruction in North Texas, and death associated my heart goes out to the people affected. When I read about death, the first thing that crosses my mind is, "did they know Jesus"? Next my mind jumps to the question, "what can I do"? Then God says pray. I am reminded of a verse most of us have memorized, Romans 8:28, "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose".

For Christians, this verse contains perhaps the most glorious promise in Scripture. It is almost breathtaking in its magnitude. It encompasses absolutely everything that pertains to a believer's life. But what about those who aren't Christians? The verse is not for them. What do we do? I believe that we pray for God to use these tragic happenings for others to come to Christ. We would probably be surprised if we knew how God used our moment of prayer.

So what can we do. PRAY and SHARE CHRIST WITH OTHERS.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Following what I have challenged those who attend Southside to do during the 61 Days of Faith I began the journey all over again to read Proverbs. These last 3 mornings as I began to read Proverbs over for the second time, I have wondered how the insights I wrote down from last month in my journal would be compared to this month. I am amazed as I go back and read what I recorded last month and how that they are so different. It shows me how God gives me different insights from the exact same Scripture. It shows me how the same Scripture can speak in different ways to me. His Word never changes, but His insights do. He gives me what I need when I need it! Oh the AMAZING WORD OF GOD!!! How I love it!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


I pray that all who are reading in Proverbs are getting as much out of it as I am. This morning I read Proverbs 29 and one verse that caused me to praise the Lord for where He has brought me, not that I have arrived, but I have come so far. It also served as a reminder to keep before me. In my journal I wrote the following:

Verse 11, A fool gives full vent to his anger, but a wise man keeps himself under control. "This is what keeps me from losing it when things go wrong. Being called a fool by God got my attention and has kept it. I am thankful to God that He has brought me past loosing it when angry. I was a fool for so many years! Praise God for His forgiveness and deliverance!"

I think about where I was many years ago and how far God has brought me and what He has taught me. My anger was internal and expressed externally. I vented my anger at the expense of others. I remember many years ago reading this verse and it has stuck with me all these years. It was God telling me I was a fool. What a motivation!!! That got my attention and has kept it all these years and caused me to work on not venting anger. I began to read about anger and what it can do to a person, health wise. This verse had as much effect on me as if I had been a smoker and I read that it caused cancer. Excessive anger is worse than cancer. Anger causes marriage break ups, separates frinds & family, people are spending their lives in prison because of a moment of anger and the list is endless. All of this has keep this verse in my mind all these years.

I am thankful for all the teaching, the reminders and the wisdom of Proverbs and for the benefits from reading and applying it to my life. I just want to keep growing!

Friday, April 25, 2008

61 Days of Faith
Since I have encouraged those who attend Southside Church to read Proverbs each day for 61 days beginning April 1, I have been using this for my Quiet Time. It is the first time in several years that I have read Proverbs day by day. I have read a one here and there by the day of the month method we are using now, but not every day. In doing so now, it has been a joy for me and once again shows me that there is so much that I can apply to my life and make it easier. Reading Proverbs encourages me to to do as the title of my blog shows, I want to grow spiritually more and more. The more I grow in Him the more I want to grow! My Quiet Time and applying it to my life does help me to grow in Christ!

One day since I began reading proverbs stands out and I want to share it. This is part of what I wrote in my spiritual journal on April 14:

"As I read this morning, the dominate thought in my mind is to be all God wants me to be, by living according to the wisdom He gives me. I see several things to avoid in this Proverb that will give me longer life. I see the reason why God gave so much wisdom to live by in all of the Bible. I just need to apply all I know and learn! I pray that my children, grand children and their children would live by the wisdom that is found here in Proverbs as well as all of Scripture!
All of this just keeps reinforcing that the Bible is the Handbook For Life!" Thanks Lord for Your Word and how it guides me."

Monday, April 21, 2008

I put this in the e-letter this week What a joy it was to minister along side you Sunday afternoon at Sunset Terrace. As I understand there were 157 who registered for the door prizes and about 30 without name tags, so that is 187 people. There was about 80 Southside people! I was so excited to see all that took place Sunday afternoon. It was certainly an all church effort! As Senior Pastor, I want you to know what a joy and how proud I am to see everyone "pitching in" to make this happen, to see everyone working side by side, and to see you mingling with all the people and staying to clean up. On behalf of staff and the Missions Leadership team THANKS for all you did to make this ministry a success. There are so many to thank! For those who couldn't attend, but prayed, THANKS! From a personal note: As I stood with a group introducing myself, one child said, "I have one Daddy whose name is Jerry too, but he is in jail." She began to tell me why he is in jail. I put my hands on her head to comfort her and she put her arms around my waist and hugged me. It brought tears to my eyes and I could say no more. I could tell you about a hurting teenage girl who poured her heart out to Kim Porter and me and other ministry opportunities, but I am sure you had ministry opportunities also. Thank you for stepping out of faith and doing what God wanted you to do. Praise God for all that took place! In His Name,Pastor Jerry

I am thrilled to see Southside people have this much interest in missions. What a great turnout of our people and the people of Sunset Terrace! We have taken 2 international mission trips in the last 2 years. They were great and I am glad I got to be a part of both. Yet I am glad to see us do local missions as a church. Because we had so many people involved and seeing everyone work together made it special. I believe that the results will be know only in Heaven. Today in staff meeting, we talked of doing it again maybe this fall and how we could follow up between then and now. If you have any ideas let me know. Ministry like this makes me proud to be Pastor at Southside!