Saturday, August 16, 2008


It is difficult for me to blog regularly and when I do, I most often feel like the most important thing I can write about is my time alone with God. It is my heart! He does so much through my Quiet Time alone with Him. My study time is wonderful, but my Q. T. and my personal study times are highlights of my days and times of spiritual growth. I also wonder if people read blogs and if my time is well spent writing them. I read very few, but perhaps I am not the average reader of blogs. Oh well, here goes!

I read Psalm 16 this morning and it filled my heart with joy, especially verses 5-11. Here are some of the excerpts from my journal I wrote.

"This Psalm has caused me to reflect on my life and my future! It has caused me to rejoice for what God has and is going to do in my life here on earth. It has reminded me that my future is secure in Heaven and of the joy I will know there which is not understandable at this time.

As I pray some of this back to the Lord, I can't get verse 5 out of my mind. I claim it this morning as God' promise to me for what He has done and what He is going to do!

I think of the people who have influenced me over these 37 years and at the time I didn't realize their influence. I suppose it takes years to realize the impact that people have on my life. I think of pastors and writers who have influenced me greatly."

As I sit here writing this blog, and sharing the above thoughts I recorded, I remember "Charlie" who was the #3 man in the division of the corporation who hired me as a department head when I was 28 years old and the contribution he made in my life. The greatest way that God used Charlie was how he lived his life before me and others at work. Here was a man highly successful with great position in life who lived for the Lord at work and never allowed his job to over shadow his faith. I saw his peers, corporate officials and others tease him, poke fun at him and try to get him to compromise his faith. He remained faithful and never wavered. That taught me that a man should live his faith everyday regardless of pressures, and never compromise. I had just recommitted my life to Christ and God used Charlie to mark my life forever. I could write all day of how others, including some pastors and writers have influenced me in who I am today. I am so thankful for all those God has sent to influence my life!

Because of the influence of many people in my life, my prayer is that I can influence others for the Kingdom of God as long as I live! God grant me this privilege! The legacy we leave when God calls us home is not our position in life, community service, church attendance, wealth or good works, but it is people! It is the people we leave behind!