Tuesday, May 20, 2008

During this study of FAITH, I hope you have been challenged to examine your own faith. When I do a series of this nature, I often wonder how it has helped those who have heard it. I felt the Holy Spirit leading me to the subject and felt that in this particular time in the life of Southside it was what we needed and still believe that as I write this. With two more Sundays teaching on FAITH, I am sad to leave it in a way. It has been so applicable to my own life! Several people have said almost the same words to me, "the teachings on faith have been just for me". I can say that along with those of you who have said that to me!

No matter what our age is or how long we have been a Christian, our faith needs to continue to grow individually and as a body of Believers! God has touched me and I have grown! As I preach each week, I know that I am speaking to myself and God is growing me. One of the joys of preaching is the spiritual growth that God brings in my own life in the hours of preparation and even as I teach Sunday morning what God has taught me.

As I am praying and asking God's directions for the weeks ahead, I would like to know the things you are struggling with, the areas you would like to hear addressed that you feel would apply to the lives of those present on Sunday mornings. If you don't want to put your response on this blog, you can speak to me personally or send me an e mail. My greatest desire other than pleasing God is to present teaching that you you or others need and want to apply to your life. In the 6 years here at Southside, I have preached through several books of the Bible and I am considering doing that again. If you have a need for a particular teaching, chances are I, along with many others, have the same need. The Holy Spirit can speak to me through your input. I am considering a couple of books of the Bible and your in put could help me.