Saturday, September 27, 2008


As I think on the debates between the two presidential candidates last night, I think about people wanting to debate the Bible, particular those who aren't believers or those who knock on your door from cultic groups. My philosophy is that God does not need me to defend Him. No one ever gets debated into the kingdom of God. I enjoy listening to people like Josh McDowell, Ravi Zechariah and others defend The Faith, but in my experience I have never led anyone to Christ by having a superior argument. In fact I don't think arguing is an effective tool or is Biblical for that matter.

Not too long ago I had several e-mail from someone I never met who read our web site regarding baptism and wanted to debate with me publicly about theology regarding the purpose of it. My response was that it would not accomplish anything or lead people to Jesus and it was a waste of time. Jesus stated facts when the Pharisees wanted to debate him, so should we.

What did the debates last night accomplish? In my opinion nothing. So what is my point? Let's spend time sharing Christ with others rather than debating or arguing theology. Jesus said, "in Ephesians, "Speak the truth in love". When I think on this verse I picture someone sharing their faith in a warm friendly manner using benign words. We ought always to share our faith with kindness and humility.