Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Sunday morning during the message, I mentioned the joy and satisfaction on the face of some of our Howard Payne University faculty members as the students graduated. Their joy was as visible as the students receiving their degrees. I hope that all of Brownwood takes pride in the fact that we have such a high quality university in a town this size. In these 6 years here, I have been privileged to have connection with both faculty, staff and students and I "gotta tell you", they are the greatest. I lived in a town with large universities and a town with a junior college , had connections with them but HPU ranks much higher in my book. I thank God for all our HPU faculty, staff and students.

I also think about the teachers connected with Southside and who teach in public and private schools. I thank God for all of them and their commitment to letting their students see Jesus in them. Occasionally I get a call from one of them asking advice in dealing with a student or a problem a student has brought to them. It always impresses me that their concern goes beyond the classroom.

I thank God for all who give of themselves to be a part of educating students of all ages preschool through higher education!!!
As I finished my Quiet Time this morning and went through one of my prayer list, I stopped and thanked God for all who pray for me. I know the strength and ability to do what I do is from the prayers of those who pray for me! My mind flashes back over the years of my life and those who have prayed for me. My mind went to my parents & Becky's parents , all who are with the Lord now. I know that they were prayer warriors for us all of our lives for which I am so thankful.

I think of how prayer of others makes our lives what they are today. Then my thoughts jumps to what about those who don't have people praying for them. Tears come to my eyes as the very thought. This makes me want to be more diligent in praying for others. It causes me to be even more thankful for all who pray for me and for Becky. Thank God for intercessory prayer!!