Saturday, May 31, 2008

61 Days of Faith

Today concludes our 61 days in Proverbs and last Sunday should have concluded our series of sermons on FAITH. However this study has really meant so much to me, God has given me two more sermons. I don't know about those who have listened to the messages, but if people got 10% of what I have gotten out of the study, they have grown in Christ! It has been great for both Becky & me! We had to depart from I Timothy but will conclude it during the month of June and then move on. Our next study which will be another book of the Bible. I am torn between 3 books. Sure would like to have some input without you knowing which books I am considering. I will decide next week. I know the Spirit will lead me there, maybe by using your input! God speaks to us sometimes throught Godly men & women who walk with Him!!!

As I read Proverbs 31 today, I thanked God for Him giving me a wife that matches up with that description. (I don't suppose blogs are restricted from a man praising the Lord for His gift of a godly wife.) I reflected on Becky ending her career as a secondary school teacher and spending most her life caring for our children, grandchildren and of course me. She served as a Youth Minister on staff in the late 1970's for three years, but other than that it's been volunteeer work. In these 25 years of vocational ministry she has always worked as a volunteer along side me in Christian Education, always making me look good! ( I need all the help I can get) She volunteers for so much and still fulfills the description of a "noble wife" as Proverbs 31 describes.

I also reflected on my Mother and Becky's Mother- both are with the Lord, and thanked God for their example. I thanked God for all those women at Southside who measure up to Proverbs 31. Any wife, working, staying at home, volunteering, raising a family, "empty nest" or no children can and should use Proverbs 31 as a goal!

I hope those who participated in daily reading of Proverbs have been blessed and grown in Christ Jesus as I have. A number of different groups were challenged by someone who attends Southside to read through with them. There was a work group that read & discussed Proverbs . One class at the Women's Job Corp was challenged to read Proverbs and did it with their teacher who is part of Southside. (What a ministry this lady has at Job Corp and other places as well as at Southside)

I have had quiet a bit of feed back during this 61 DAYS OF FAITH, but would like to hear more. Put you comments on this blog, e-mail of better yet, tell me in person or call me.

Thursday, May 29, 2008


Each morning this week in my Quite Time with the Lord, I asked Him for an opportunity to share Jesus with someone. Yesterday I received a call for an appointment with someone I didn't know. This morning that young woman who grew up in this church and is now married with a family came in the office for that appointment. During our conversation the Holy Spirit led me to ask her the two most important questions a person could ever be asked. I inquired if she minded if I asked her two question. She replied, "sure".

Have you come to the point in your life that you know for sure if you died today you would go to Heaven? Her answer was "No I know I would not".

I didn't need to ask the second question at that time. I then asked her if you would like to know how she could know this. In an excited manner she said, "Yes I really would"! To make this short, I shared with her what the Bible says about how to get to Heaven. With tears in her eyes, she said would like to to what the Bible says so she could go to Heaven. I led her in a prayer asking God to forgive her of her sins and asking Jesus to be her Savior. When she finished praying, I asked her the second question so she would have assurance of what she had just done.

If you died right now and God asked why should He allow you to enter Heaven, what would you say to God?

With large tears rolling down her cheeks, a peace in her voice and assurance on her face, she replied, "Because I asked God to forgive me of my sins and He did". I told her that is all I or anyone else could say.

Last night Patty Baker our Children's Minister met with a child who had expressed to his Mom he wanted to have Jesus in his life. Patty in her wisdom explained how he could do that, made sure he understood what sin was and who Jesus was and what he did on the cross. The child prayed to receive Jesus in his life. This Mother was sensitive to her child and therefore was instrumental in her son coming to Christ!

Just this week one of the men I mentor asked me to pray for a 19 year old man with whom he shared the Gospel. The young man wanted to receive Jesus, but decided to wait. Join us in praying for him.

I write this first of all so that you can rejoice with this young woman (although you don't know her) and with this child and his mother and with Patty and me. Secondly, I share this to challenge Believers who may read this blog to pray for those around you who may not know Jesus as Savior and Lord and then share with them. People are all around us who are looking for the way to Heaven! People of all ages are waiting on us to share the Good News with them. Who will you share this Great Wonderful News with?

Hug Your Child (and grandchildren)

A few minutes ago we got word that Megan Cooper's (graduating from Bangs High School this week) MRI results was negative for any tumors. PRAISE THE LORD! We rejoice with Kay & Bryan! Just thought about my own children and grandchildren and how thankful I am for their health and God's protection over the years. The Bible teaches that children are a gift from God! For those who have children, I know you would agree with that. If your children are near, HUG THEM! THANK GOD FOR THEM!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Memorial Day! As I think about tomorrow, the thought comes to my mind about just how thankful Americans are for those who died for our Great Nation. In my opinion, PATRIOTISM IS LACKING IN MUCH OF OUR COUNTRY. Personally I am so grateful for all those who have given their lives so that I can enjoy the vast freedoms I have as an American citizen. Words cannot express my gratitude. First I think about Jesus dying on the cross to set me free from sin and give me eternal life. Next to that I can think of no other freedom that is so precious as what I have as an American.

I tried to join a military branch of the armed services during the Viet Nam war. I was going for a commission as an officer because of my ROTC training in college. I was turned down because I was an Asthmatic. Although I never was able to serve, I have always been patriotic and have a high degree of respect for all who serve and a grateful heart for those who died to keep us free.

I hope that all who have not done so and read this will take time to thank God for our men & women who have died to keep us free and pray for those who have lost family who served in the military in these recent years.

Patriotism may be out for some, but it is in for me!