Saturday, August 9, 2008

Taking Things As Normal

Becky & I got back in town and find that there was an inch of water in our rain gauge, so we assume it rained that much. We took time to thank God for what is not normal in Brownwood-RAIN! Praise the Lord. This morning in my Quiet Time I just wanted to thank Him again! I am reminded of how often God answers prayer and we just accept the answers as normal and go on about our business. I thought of how many times each day God answers prayer and I fail to acknowledge unless it is something I have prayed for specifically. I thank about God's protection of which, we never know just how close we came to tragedy. Him healing us when we didn't know we need it and so much more. My desire is to try to always acknowledge God's answers, yes and no and not just take them as normal. God is so good!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Hot As A Stove!

Heat, hot, dry, but God is still on His throne. Great worship experience. My QT is from a book called On Holy Ground and it took me to John 21 and verse 6 jumped out and reminds me of now matter how or hot or cold we need to cash our nets and fish for men.