Saturday, September 20, 2008

Reflections From My Quiet Time

I find it hard to blog a lot, not knowing what people want to read, not wanting to sound "preachy" and the list goes on. But today in my reading Romans 2:1-8, I thought about our Great Country and the privileges I have as an American. I thought about God's judgment as well as God's blessings. I remember that the U. S. A. was founded on unalienable rights given to us by God. I said recently in a sermon that our laws are based on the Ten Commandments which I believe is true. Our nation was founded so that we have our rights protected. Those laws have been carried the other way and infringe on some of our basic rights as Christians.

I believe that the effort to remove God from anything public has caused our values and morals to crumble. When God was band from schools, government meetings, public places the attempts to remove Him from our currency and from our Pledge of Allegiance and so much more, our nation began and has drifted away from God. Even many committed Christians accept the filthy language, the sex and other immorailty that is in most movies. When a person repeatedly hears God's name use to curse, he becomes dull to that sin and excuses his acceptance of it. Our nation is so accepting of "all religions" that Christians are persecuted for believing that Jesus is the only way to Heaven (John 14:6). God is holy, so I know that He doesn't approve all of the actions sanctioned by our laws. He has been patient, blessed our nation beyond measure, but I don't believe that this will last forever (Neh. 9:30).

America needs to repent of throwing out God's precepts, His laws, His moral standards and essentially tossing Him out of our nation. I believe we are "skating on thin ice"!

This morning I examined myself to make sure I haven't allowed ungodly values that are crammed in my face, media etc. to infiltrate my life or my mind. I believe that every Christian has the responsibility to pray for our government leaders and the direction of our Great Nation! I recommitted personally to be more diligent in doing so! I just encourage each Believer who reads this to do the same.

After saying all this, I consider it a blessing from God that I was born in a country that has given me the rights and privileges which I enjoy. I am thankful that God is the ultimate Judge of our nation and of me! Aren't you? God bless America!!!