Saturday, November 22, 2008

Attitude of Gratitude

My Quiet Time today was from I John 4:1-3 which is about discerning God's voice, and I began to express thanks to Him for being able to hear him when He speaks. My thoughts drifted to Thanksgiving coming up next week. I expressed my gratitude to God for Him speaking through His Word, speaking silently to me and in other ways. We as believers have the privilege of praying to our Heavenly Father, hearing Him in prayer, hearing Him through His Word each minute of our lives so how grateful should be!!!

I desire that my life be characterized by gratitude. He tells me to have an appreciative attitude in my worship of Him in Psalm (95:2-7 & Col. 3:16); in giving (3 Cor. 9:12); in relationships
(Phil. 1:1-3) and so much more. Gratitude brings joy to our lives! In I Thess. 5:18, the Lord mandates our gratitude in all things. He know that gratitude affects our hearts and our hearts determine who we become.

A continuing attitude of gratitude keeps us aware of His presences, causes us to focus on Jesus, diminishes our pride, keeps us focused on the purposes of our lives, reminds us of our dependence on Him, replaces worry, depression & wrong attitudes with peace and joy! When we maintain an attitude of gratitude, no matter what come in our lives, we will find joy and peace!!!

You have heard of New Year's resolutions, well I challenge you to make a Thanksgiving resolution to have an attitude of gratitude from today on!

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